
August Home Sales Plummet to 3.86 Million Annual Rate

NAR Reports Existing Home Sales Decrease to 3.86 Million in Latest Figures

ichael Pettis' blog on China's financial markets is a valuable resource for understanding the complexities of the country's economic landscape. His insights into the interactions between politics, economics, and finance provide a unique perspective on the challenges facing China.

    Pettis highlights the risks associated with China's reliance on debt-fueled growth, which has led to a buildup of bad loans in the banking system. He also examines the impact of government policies on the economy, including the effects of state-owned enterprises and the role of local governments in driving investment.

    The blog is part of the Econbrowser network, which aggregates economic commentary from around the world. It's a useful starting point for anyone looking to stay up-to-date on China's financial markets and the broader implications for the global economy.

US home sales decline sharply to 3.86 million annual rate in August.