he Aflalo family has unveiled plans for an eight-story apartment complex and supermarket in Beverly Hills, set to replace a Pavilions market. The project, filed by locally based Aflalo Equities and broker Sammy Aflalo, will feature 110 apartments, including 22 affordable units for low-income households, above a 16,000-square-foot market. Designed by Ottinger Architects, the building will have large windows, balconies, and rooftop decks, as well as community rooms, a gym, and coworking spaces.
The project is being built under the builder's remedy provision of state housing law, which allows developers to skirt zoning rules in cities that fail to certify their state housing plans. The Aflalo family has filed multiple projects in Beverly Hills, including a 140-unit apartment complex with ground-floor shops and restaurants at South Beverly Drive, and two 10-story residential buildings on Olympic Boulevard.
The Aflalo Family Trust, led by Moshe and Laura Aflalo, grew a portfolio of stores in LA's Garment District in the 1990s. Sammy Aflalo is their son and has been involved in various real estate ventures with his family. The projects are part of the family's efforts to develop properties in Beverly Hills, working with partners such as Harkham Family Enterprises and Fisch Property.
Beverly Hills development unveiled for Pavilions site
Aflalo Family Unveils Plans for 8-Story Apartment Complex, Supermarket in Beverly Hills.
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