
Effective Networking Strategies for Meaningful Connections

Effective Networking: Tips from Broker and Coach Zak Shellhammer on Making Connections Count

ctober is New Agent Month at Inman, where we'll be diving deeper into the tools, tech, and tips you need to succeed in 2024. For first-year agents, be sure to subscribe to our weekly newsletter, The Basics.

    Networking can feel daunting, but it's essential for building meaningful connections. Research suggests that people often view networking as "impure," which is a sentiment shared by professionals across industries. However, the key to successful networking lies in being authentic and genuine in your approach.

    To enjoy networking, you need to do it enough times to become comfortable with it. Once you've built some connections, walking into a room full of strangers can be invigorating – deciding which group to join, wondering if they'll accept you or not. The beauty of networking is that it doesn't matter what happens; as long as you put yourself out there.

    Before attending events, preparation is key. Building an online presence beforehand can make things easier by creating warmer introductions when meeting people in person. Use social media to connect with others and share/tag events you're attending – this helps break the ice and creates a sense of familiarity.

    To maximize your time at events, create a "networking hit list" of people you'd like to meet. Research the event website or Facebook page to see who's attending, and aim to meet at least half of them. Make quick notes on their business cards or phone as soon as possible – this will help you personalize follow-up conversations.

    Networking isn't just about handing out business cards; it's about creating meaningful connections with people you enjoy being around. Start conversations with genuine topics, not "So, what do you do?" Talk about the venue, food, or their shoes – anything but work at first.

    To make networking work for you, dive in and start conversations. Introduce yourself to event organizers or leaders before attending events, and reach out to group members beforehand to break the ice. Don't dismiss anyone just because they don't seem relevant; you never know when a connection will prove invaluable.

    Networking is about building a web of connections for the future – not just meeting people who can help you now. Analyze what's stopping you from embracing it, make a plan, and then get out there and do it. Keep doing it, and watch your network and opportunities grow.

Business professionals shaking hands at a conference, building meaningful connections worldwide.