Julia Fox billboard in downtown NYC is not unusual, but one that promises to help you "find your forever home" is. The actress, model, and part-time muse appears as "Cece" from Specter Realty, the #1 realtor in New Jersey, on a billboard outside a vape shop at 202 Mott Street in Manhattan.
This is actually an ad for Steven Soderbergh's haunted house film Presence, courtesy of Neon. The phone number listed connects to a voicemail, and reps from Neon report receiving over 1,500 messages, mostly from people playing along with the joke. Some callers even dropped their act, wanting to discuss Fox's unique position in pop culture.
A surprising 10% of calls came from other realtors who thought Fox was actually getting into the industry. One Los Angeles-based realtor left a message offering support and advice, saying "the market is always good for agents." Presence opened nationwide over the Jan. 24-26 weekend, grossing $3.3 million from 1,750 cinemas, a decent start considering its reported budget of less than $3 million.