
Private Runways at Your Doorstep: Exclusive Fly-In Communities Take Off

Ditch traffic jams with a unique airpark community commute.

f you're tired of commuting through congested roads, an airpark community might be the perfect solution. These residential communities are organized around airports, offering homeowners direct access to taxiways and hangars for their private aircraft.

    For pilots and aviation enthusiasts, airparks provide unparalleled convenience, cutting down flight preparation time to mere minutes after leaving home. They can also turn a remote location into an effective suburb of a major metro area, allowing residents to fly into the city several times a week for work or leisure.

    However, the luxury of airpark living comes at a price. According to's economic research team, homes in airparks are typically priced 30% higher than similar properties elsewhere, after adjusting for factors like home size and location. senior economist Ralph McLaughlin attributes this premium to the utility aircraft owners gain from direct taxiway access and the higher purchasing power of pilots. "Aircraft ownership tends to be associated with higher-income households," he notes.

    There are nearly 700 airparks across the US, with Texas leading the way at 84, followed closely by Florida with 80. Southeast Florida is particularly popular for fly-in, fly-out communities where homeowners can park their planes in their driveways.

    Airpark homes like those in The Aero Club in Wellington, FL, offer private runways and custom hangars. Nearby, Tailwinds in Jupiter, FL, features a 2,700-foot-long runway and luxury homes with the option to build a custom hangar.

    Private jet travel has sparked a housing boom in Florida, particularly in South Florida where multiple private airports cater to wealthy homeowners seeking luxury living and flexibility. To find an airpark home, prospective buyers should research the community's rules and regulations, which are typically controlled by an HOA.

    While airpark homes come at a premium, selecting a community in a more rural or remote area can offset the price increase, says McLaughlin. "Not only do you get a cheaper house from being in a satellite commuter suburb, but you also avoid the aggravation of traffic jams."

Private runways near luxury homes in exclusive fly-in communities worldwide take off.