etflix's Selling The City premiered on January 3, 2025, with eight episodes. The reality show features a new cast of agents from the "latest edition" of the Selling franchise. Created by the same minds behind Selling the OC and Selling Sunset, Netflix describes the show as follows: "Selling the City follows a group of no-nonsense (and very well-dressed) agents hailing from the legendary real estate brokerage Douglas Elliman."
Fans who watched the show compared it to Selling Sunset, with some praising Selling The City's more professional approach. One fan noted that the female cast members were clear and effective communicators, while another praised their wardrobe choices. However, others criticized the show for its focus on drama over negotiations.
A key difference between Selling The City and other real-estate shows is its focus on licensed agents doing legitimate business in New York City. This sets it apart from shows like Selling The OC and Selling Sunset, which feature unlicensed models. The show's cast includes Abigail, Eleonora, Gisselle, Jade, Jordyn Taylor, Justin, Steve, and Taylor.
The show is led by Eleonora Srugo, a woman who has worked hard to achieve her success in the competitive New York City real estate market. She describes herself as "scrappy" and someone who "dreams big." The show also features lingering drama and feuds among the cast members, particularly between Jade and Eleanora.
Fans can now stream Selling The City episodes on Netflix.
Reality TV Rivalry: Fans Weigh In on Selling The City vs Selling Sunset
Netflix's 'Selling The City' Premieres with All Eight Episodes on January 3, 2025.
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