n the past five weeks, homes in Sea Ranch have been selling for a median price of $694 per square foot, significantly higher than Sonoma County's median at $511. This represents an increase of $183 over the county average.
Jenner takes the top spot as the most expensive community in Sonoma County, with a median price per square foot of $1,742 over the past five weeks. On the other end of the spectrum is Geyserville, where buyers can find the best deals at a median price of $240 per square foot.
A recent sale in Sea Ranch exemplifies this trend: a 1,512-square-foot home on Madrone mdw sold for $1,050,000. The data used to compile these figures comes from sales registered during the week of October 14 and is based on information from municipal assessors in Sonoma County.
Tracking Real Estate Price Shifts at Sea Ranch Over 5 Weeks
Tracking Real Estate Price Changes at Sea Ranch Over the Past 5 Weeks
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Zillow executive: Transparency in inventory is always preferable.
Errol Samuelson: Private listings mislead consumers and agents, offering short-lived competitive advantage.