
Boston ranked among top US cities for future real estate growth

Zillow releases 2025 hottest real estate market predictions, with Boston on the list.

illow has unveiled its forecast of the most promising real estate markets in 2025, with Boston making a notable appearance on the list.

    To compile this ranking, Zillow examined factors such as projected home value growth, current market trends, and shifts in labor markets, construction, and homeowner demographics. This year's predictions suggest steady but slow growth in home values and sales, tempered by ongoing affordability concerns and uncertain mortgage rates.

    A welcome development is expected to be a rebound in inventory levels, which have been scarce since the pandemic. Boston ranks 16th on Zillow's list, having jumped 10 spots from last year. The city's home values are anticipated to rise by 2.1% this year, according to the report.

    Buffalo, New York takes the top spot as the hottest market for 2025, followed closely by Indianapolis and Providence, Rhode Island. Hartford, Connecticut and Philadelphia complete the top five.

Boston skyline with construction cranes, highlighting city's thriving real estate market.