
Douglas County Office Relocated Temporarily for Passport, Marriage and Property Services

Get passports, marriage licenses and real-estate documents filed at a new Douglas County location.

he Douglas County recording office has temporarily relocated to the Elections building at 125 Stephanie Place in Castle Rock due to a renovation. The new location will provide all recording services until June, including marriage licenses and passport applications. This move is part of a larger effort to upgrade the office's facilities and improve its public-facing services.

    The county clerk and recorder's office plays a crucial role in maintaining property records, which are essential for preventing disputes over ownership. According to Laura Skirde, a spokesperson for the clerk's office, real-estate documents must be publicly stored by the county to provide a permanent record of property ownership.

    In addition to recording services, the office also handles passport applications and marriage licenses. However, renewal of adult passports issued within the past 15 years must be completed online or by mail through the U.S. Department of State.

    The renovation plan aims to maximize the limited space in the recording office, enhancing its public-facing service desks and research area while creating a more efficient workflow. The research area will provide a dedicated space for the public to view, obtain copies, and research documents filed with the county since 1874.

    For more information about the recording office, visit

Douglas County office temporarily relocated for passport, marriage, and property services.