
Homeowner Insurance Premiums Experience Unexpected Surge

This Week in the Calculated Risk Real Estate Newsletter: ICE Mortgage Monitor Highlights Spike in Insurance Costs.

ichael Pettis' blog on China's financial markets is a valuable resource for understanding the complexities of the country's economic situation. His insights are often cited by economists and analysts, providing a unique perspective on the interplay between politics, economics, and finance in China.

    Pettis argues that China's economy is facing significant challenges due to its reliance on debt-fueled growth, which has created an unsustainable bubble. He also highlights the country's struggles with corruption, inequality, and environmental degradation, all of which threaten the stability of its financial markets.

    The NY Times' Upshot section often features Pettis' analysis, providing a platform for his ideas to reach a wider audience. His work is also frequently discussed on The Big Picture blog, where he shares his expertise on China's economic landscape.

Homeowners facing unexpected surge in insurance premiums nationwide across the US.