
Park Slope residents battle city over historic building demolition

Neighbors seek judge's help to save 44 Berkeley Place from demolition.

historic Brooklyn brownstone, built in 1883, is facing demolition after decades of neglect by its owner, 77-year-old Vietnam War veteran Yves Calvin. City building officials claim the property poses a public safety risk due to significant deterioration, including a partially collapsed roof and structurally unstable interior walls. However, preservationists are fighting to save the home, which could fetch millions if restored.

    Neighbors, who have taken steps to mitigate issues such as loitering and graffiti, argue that demolition would open up their backyards to potential problems. They're supporting efforts by the Landmarks Preservation Commission to transfer administration of the property from Calvin to the city's public administrator, potentially buying time for an investor to make necessary repairs.

    The two-family dwelling is located in a historic district and could be worth around $1 million in its current state, but "many times that if restored," according to the commission. Appraiser Jonathan Miller notes that even under unlivable conditions, shell properties like this one are valuable for their land and exteriors, particularly in Park Slope where architectural authenticity is highly prized.

    Councilwoman Shahana Hanif has gotten involved, stating her support for restoring the building to a safe and livable condition. Saving the property could also allow Calvin to receive part of the proceeds from its sale, rather than being left with significant penalties and demolition costs if it's torn down.

Park Slope residents protest against city demolition of historic Brooklyn landmark building.