exas luxury real estate agent Suzanne Simpson has been missing for over a month, and her husband Brad Simpson is facing charges related to their altercation before her disappearance. Their daughter Chandler, 20, believes her father was responsible for her mother's death, writing on Instagram that "my father took my mother's life in a state of rage and control." Chandler also accused the community of being complicit in domestic violence, stating that women are marginalized and silenced.
According to police reports, Suzanne Simpson disappeared after a fight with Brad on October 6. A neighbor witnessed the altercation and reported hearing screams coming from a nearby wooded area. The couple's youngest child told school staff that their parents had been fighting, and that Brad had struck Suzanne in the face and possibly pushed her into a wall.
Brad Simpson was initially charged with assault of a family member causing bodily injury and unlawful restraint. He was later charged with possession of a prohibited weapon and tampering/fabricating physical evidence. Despite these charges, authorities have not linked him to his wife's disappearance. Brad is being held on $3 million bond.
Chandler Simpson has been vocal about her mother's case, calling for justice and speaking out against domestic violence. Her father's brother, Barton Simpson, has also condemned Brad's lack of cooperation with law enforcement, stating that it demonstrates a "concerning lack of empathy" for his family.
The investigation into Suzanne's disappearance has led to the arrest of Brad's friend and business partner, James Cotter, who is accused of hiding Brad's gun. Authorities have searched extensively for Suzanne, including sweeps of Olmos Park and surrounding areas, but she remains missing. Her mother believes she is not alive.