
Trump calls Gaza a prime real estate opportunity for US ownership

We'll collaborate with other countries to create a beautiful project

n the midst of a pivotal moment in US history, The Independent is committed to shedding light on the most pressing issues. From the intricacies of reproductive rights to the far-reaching implications of climate change and Big Tech's influence, our journalists are on the ground, digging deep into the facts behind the headlines. Your support empowers us to continue this vital work, sending reporters to speak with all sides of a story and providing in-depth analysis that cuts through the noise.

    As a trusted news source across the entire political spectrum, we believe quality journalism should be accessible to everyone, not just those who can afford it. That's why we remain committed to keeping our reporting free from paywalls, ensuring that Americans have access to accurate information without barriers.

    Your donation makes all the difference in our ability to hold power accountable and tell the stories that need to be told. Recently, President Trump sparked controversy with his comments on Gaza, suggesting that the US could transform the devastated territory into a "big real estate site" that would ultimately be owned by America.

    During an Air Force 1 press conference ahead of the Super Bowl in New Orleans, Trump outlined his vision for rebuilding Gaza, which has been ravaged by nearly 18 months of conflict between Israel and Hamas. He claimed that the US was in "no rush" to develop it but could bring stability to the Middle East by transforming the territory over the course of his new term.

    Trump's comments have been met with skepticism, with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz describing them as a "scandal." The President's plan would require significant investment and cooperation from other countries in the region. While he promised that Palestinians would be "taken care of" and live in harmony and peace, many remain skeptical about his intentions.

    As the situation in Gaza continues to unfold, it's clear that the path forward will be complex and fraught with challenges. The Independent will continue to provide in-depth coverage of this story, shedding light on the facts and holding those in power accountable for their actions. Your support is crucial in helping us tell this story and others like it.

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