an Francisco Supervisor Dean Preston is seeking a more substantial conclusion to his tenure by intervening in a deal between a grocery chain and a developer over a soon-to-close Safeway store site. He wants Mayor London Breed to use eminent domain to acquire the property, which Align Real Estate plans to redevelop into market-rate housing. In a letter to Breed, Preston urged her to buy the 3.6-acre site by any means necessary, including eminent domain.
The proposed development would include 1,000 residential units, but Preston argues that this would be unaffordable for most residents in the area. He wants the entire project to fall within affordable ranges and retain some grocery store space to serve local residents. Breed's office has not responded to Preston's letter, and Safeway has yet to comment.
Preston's move may have merit, according to land use attorney Rick Friess, who specializes in eminent domain cases. If San Francisco had an affordable housing project planned for the site, it could likely pass muster. However, any action would require a vote by the full Board of Supervisors, which will gain four new members in January.
Breed's negotiations with Safeway last year followed Preston's resolution calling for the store to stay open. The city has since passed an ordinance requiring grocery stores to provide six months' notice before closing, but this does not apply to the Webster Street site due to prior public disclosure.