
Dawson County Real Estate Activity for November 27th

LEXINGTON - Dawson County Real Estate Transactions Released by Register of Deeds

he Register of Deeds for Dawson County released the latest real estate transactions on November 27. Here are some of the notable sales:

    Enrique Alexander Flores Gonzalez purchased a lot in Southaven Addition from Daisy and Cristian Terrazas Villalva for $335.50.

    Taeton Amos bought a property in MacColl and Leflang's Third Addition from Brandon and Chelsie Kopf for $326.25.

    Conor Young acquired lots 3, 4, and 5 in Airport Addition from Martin and Patricia Silbernagel for $1,068.75.

    Christian Terrazas and Daisy Terrazas purchased a lot in Southaven Addition from Emmanual Morales and Jessica Vega for $472.50.

    Patrick Kohl bought a property in Juhl Addition from Luis Rico and Jessica Rico Romero for $495.00.

    Luis Rico and Jessica Rico Romero acquired part of Davis Addition from Jennifer Anders and Shea Goodard for $789.75.

    Chandler Flynn and McKenzie Flynn purchased lots 7 and 8 in MacColl and Leflang's Addition from Truman Burch and Terri Burch for $596.25.

Dawson County real estate market activity with homes and agents on November 27th.