J Envy's attorney, Dan Marchese, has fired back at investors who claim they were scammed by his client's former business partner, Cesar Pina, also known as 'Flippin' NJ.
In October 2023, federal authorities in New Jersey charged Pina with wire fraud for running a real estate scheme that promised investors the opportunity to flip houses in distressed neighborhoods. Several investors who paid between $100,000 and $1 million have filed civil lawsuits against Pina, his wife, and DJ Envy.
Pina frequently appeared on The Breakfast Club, a syndicated radio show hosted by DJ Envy. Attorneys for several investors claim they've obtained bank records showing the Pinas systematically drained multiple accounts after receiving investor funds, potentially taking $25 to $50 million.
Investors argue that DJ Envy's endorsement of Pina led them to invest in the scheme. "None of us would have invested with Cesar if it hadn't been for Envy's endorsement," said Luis Hernandez, who paid $250,000.
Marchese countered that investors are attempting to smear DJ Envy's reputation and force a financial settlement through "green-mail." Pina is set to appear in federal court on Monday for a bail revocation hearing.