
Local Real Estate News and Market Trends

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he El Paso County Board of County Commissioners recently made several zoning and land-use decisions. Drexel, Barrell and Co. was granted permission to subdivide a 4.604-acre commercial property at 7550 North Meridian Road into four separate lots. The company also received approval for a subdivision exemption plat on a nearby 5-acre site.

    In another matter, the Stimple Family LLLP was allowed to create a single-family residential lot on 7.58 acres zoned as rural-5, located southwest of Vollmer Road and Arroya Lane. Classic SRJ Land LLC's request to rezone 106.6 acres in Sterling Ranch East Filing No. 7 from RR-5 to suburban residential was also approved.

    A more contentious decision involved TTW Properties LLC's proposal to allow a commercial vehicle repair garage on a property within the Meadow Lake Airport general aviation overlay district. The BOCC voted 4-1 against this request, with Commissioner Bill Wysong dissenting, citing concerns about the zoning district being obsolete.

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