he National Association of Realtors (NAR) has seen a significant decline in membership, with a loss of 25,336 members in December. This brings NAR's current total membership to 1.498 million, the lowest figure since last March. Despite remaining stable throughout the second half of 2024, recent threats from agents and local associations could lead to further declines.
A survey of MLS leaders found that many predict some degree of agent attrition in 2025. The trend may be attributed to pushback from local associations, with some offering alternative membership options. For instance, Phoenix Realtors introduced a discounted membership level called "MLS Choice," which includes access to MLS data and forms without joining a Realtor association.
NAR responded by issuing a cease-and-desist order, but the local association declined to end its program. As a result, NAR began the process of revoking the charter. This move has sparked concerns among other associations, with some considering similar alternatives.
State association numbers show that Arizona lost just 624 members between December and January 1, while nearly all states reported declines in December, except for Utah which added 74 Realtors to its member count. California reported a net gain of over 8,000 members since April, despite losing more than 2,000 members in December.
Industry insiders predict further declines in membership, with many MLS and association leaders anticipating reductions in their member counts. A recent survey found that over 70% of respondents are budgeting for a projected decrease in membership, citing external and internal factors. However, the expected losses are not seen as major, with most predicting declines in the 1-10% range.