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Recent real estate transactions in Riverhead and surrounding areas have been reported by Suffolk Vision title service.
82 Cypress Avenue was sold for $635,000 on October 15th from 82 Cypress Avenue LLC to Mirna Saldana and Miguel Herbel. In Jamesport, Frank & Kara Palmeri transferred ownership of 120 Green Street to Randall Rubino for $857,000 on the following day.
Riverhead saw several transactions, including a commercial sale: SCO Family of Services sold 15 Oliver Street to 622 Church Lane LLC for $875,000 on October 30th. Additionally, Harold Goodale sold a vacant property at 260 Main Road to Good Ground Nursery LLC for $800,000 on the same day. Other Riverhead transactions included the sale of 304 Pebble Beach Path from the Estate of Marian Drozd-Denyse to Christopher & Dolores Huber for $468,750 on November 4th and 129 Reeves Avenue from Gabrielle M Weglein (Referee) and Marilyn Signorelli (Defendant) to Targelia Gordillo for $379,000 on November 25th.
In Wading River, Keith & Kathleen Harris sold 79 Calverton Court to Michael & Jessica Schillizzi for $835,000 on October 31st.