
Real Estate Leaders Share Insights on Effective Leadership Strategies

Building positive workplaces fosters a cultural shift, making leadership roles more inspiring and accessible.

elcome to We Get Work™, the podcast focused on workplace issues that help employers develop proactive strategies, strong policies, and business-oriented solutions to cultivate an engaged, stable, and inclusive workforce. Today's hosts are Amanda Miller, principal in the Berkeley Heights Office of Jackson Lewis and member of the Real Estate Industry Group; Liz Gehringer, president and CEO of Anywhere Franchise Brands; and Shacara Delgado, senior vice president, employment law, and chief ethics and compliance officer at Anywhere Real Estate Inc.

    Amanda represents employers in wrongful termination, pay equity, discrimination, harassment, retaliation, and whistleblower matters. Liz is responsible for strategic growth and operations across Coldwell Banker Affiliates, Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate, Century 21, and ERA Real Estate. Shacara leads the company's global ethics and compliance program and manages enterprise employment, benefits, and contractor relations legal matters.

    The question on everyone's mind today is: How has workplace culture and mentorship helped you face challenges and achieve career success? And how does that impact my business?

    Hello to all of our We Get Work™ listeners. I'm your host for the podcast today, Amanda Miller. In today's podcast, we're going to talk about the intersection of law and leadership from the female perspective.

    Our guests are going to share their journeys from law firms to in-house counsel to the business side of an organization and discuss their leadership perspectives on success, mentorship, and trying to balance it all. It is my pleasure to introduce Liz Gehringer, president and CEO of Anywhere Franchise Brands, and Shacara Delgado, senior vice president, employment law, and chief ethics and compliance officer at Anywhere Real Estate.

    Thank you so much for joining us today. I'll start by asking: What sparked your interest in the real estate industry, and how did you end up at Anywhere?

    Liz Gehringer: I came to the company because I was recruited by a lawyer who had made the transition from a law firm to an in-house position. She asked me if I was interested in coming over to interview, and I'm so happy I did that.

    Shacara Delgado: I've been with Anywhere for quite some time. I started in 2002 when we were part of another larger entity, but after the company split in 2006, I joined the real estate arm, which is now Anywhere Real Estate.

    Amanda Miller: What are some of the biggest challenges you've encountered as a leader, and do you have any strategies that you found effective at overcoming them?

    Liz Gehringer: One of the biggest challenges was translating my passion for law into something exciting and interesting for our internal audience. I had to learn to balance my work with the business needs.

    Shacara Delgado: For me, it was understanding where the business leaders were coming from and analyzing things differently than we did from a legal perspective. I went back to school at night to pursue a business certificate program to better serve them as an attorney supporting the business.

    Amanda Miller: Are there any key factors or individuals that have influenced either of your leadership styles or approaches?

    Liz Gehringer: Marilyn Wasser, our general counsel, was like a sage to me. She understood my personality and encouraged me to celebrate my strengths.

    Shacara Delgado: I've been blessed with leaders who listened, were empathetic, and taught me the importance of hearing what clients have to say and checking my own emotions.

    Amanda Miller: How do you approach mentoring others?

    Liz Gehringer: I'm super direct and try to be honest about people's strengths and areas for growth. I also believe in real-time feedback and encouraging people to learn from their mistakes.

    Shacara Delgado: For me, it's about being myself, listening, and helping people navigate their goals. I believe in telling people what they can do better and encouraging them to seek out opportunities for growth.

    Amanda Miller: Can you share any strategies for overcoming fears or anxieties or tips for boosting confidence in those moments of self-doubt?

    Liz Gehringer: Don't attach yourself to the idea that you're an imposter. Just keep going, get the skills, and build relationships with people who can support you.

    Shacara Delgado: I think about how many meetings I've been in where someone else has said something dumb, but they're still there, and everything is fine. You have to trust yourself and know that you bring value to the table.

    Amanda Miller: We've talked a bit throughout this podcast about different challenges you've encountered. Can you share a significant career achievement or milestone that you're particularly proud of?

    Liz Gehringer: I'm proud of being able to attract talented leaders to our company, like the presidents who run our brands. It's amazing to see them succeed and know that I played a part in their growth.

    Shacara Delgado: I'm proud of being able to influence decisions that make us do the right thing for our employees. It's an honor to be in a position where I can make a positive impact on people's lives.

    Amanda Miller: Giving back to the community is important to you, Shacara. What are your favorite ways to contribute or different causes that you're passionate about?

    Shacara Delgado: I'm passionate about feeding and cooking breakfast for homeless people who are in transitional homes. It's a cause close to my heart, and I believe it's essential to give back to those in need.

    Amanda Miller: When it comes to maintaining work-life balance, what advice do you have for our listeners?

    Liz Gehringer: Don't be afraid to ask for help from others. Delegating tasks can free up time and energy for more important things.

    Shacara Delgado: I believe in taking care of yourself physically and mentally. For me, that means exercising regularly, eating well, and getting enough sleep.

    Amanda Miller: If you could go back and give yourself one piece of advice at the start of your career, what would it be?

    Liz Gehringer: Hard work works, but don't forget to form relationships and speak up. Be a student, learn, produce, and hold yourself to that next thing.

    Shacara Delgado: I would say "Get out of your own way." Don't let fear or shyness hold you back from taking risks and pursuing opportunities.

    Amanda Miller: Thank you both for sharing your journeys and insights with us today. We truly appreciate you taking the time to join us on our podcast.

    Liz Gehringer: It's been great chatting with you. Lots of great reminders here – even to ourselves. So, thank you.

    Shacara Delgado: Absolutely. Thank you so much for inviting us. It's been a great time.

Real estate leaders discuss effective leadership strategies at industry conference in New York.