yan Companies has abandoned plans for an office project at Prato District, a 38-acre development site in Tukwila. The Minneapolis-based developer had an option on a ground lease for the land but let it lapse two years ago due to market softness. Bret Jordan, president of Ryan's Northwest region, said the company is still monitoring conditions and remains in contact with Segale Properties, the landowner.
The Prato District project has been marketed as a 10.3 million square foot development with a mix of uses, including office space, multifamily housing, retail, and more. A development agreement between Segale Properties and the City of Tukwila allows for buildings up to 120 feet in height. The site is considered one of the largest "pad-ready" land sites on the West Coast.
Segale Properties has been assembling land for decades, with roots dating back to 1909 when Louis Segale bought his first property in the Tukwila Valley. The company's president, Mark Segale, is a member of the family that founded M.A. Segale general contractor in 1953.