new Bravo reality series is set to premiere later this year, titled "Sold on SLC." The show focuses on real estate and features the Presidio Real Estate group, led by founder and CEO Jennifer Yeo. In a preview released Wednesday, Yeo said, "Just wait until you see what my realtors bring to the table," alongside "The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City" star Lisa Barlow.
The series will follow agents Tyna Edwards, Malaysia Fua, Matt Jones, Sarah Martindale, and Kenny Sperry as they navigate the competitive world of Utah's fast-growing housing market. According to a news release, the show promises "drama often follows the fierce professional ambitions of the team" as they strive to stay on top.
This new series joins a growing list of reality TV shows based in Utah, including "Secret Lives of Mormon Wives," which debuted in early September.
Utah Luxe Estates Coming Soon to Bravo Reality TV
New Reality Series Joins Growing List of Utah-Based Shows
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