
Austin Real Estate Recap: Top Stories of the Week

Southeast Austin wraps up 2024 with major developments: Velocity, Four Hands expansion, Goodnight Ranch growth, and rising home sales.

ello and welcome back to Building Austin, our weekly newsletter covering real estate, growth, and development in the Austin region. I'm Shonda Novak, the American-Statesman's real estate reporter.

    We're catching up after a two-week break, so let's dive into some of the notable stories since our last update. Cousins Properties made headlines with its $421.8 million purchase of a 35-story sail-shaped tower in downtown Austin leased to Google.

    Here are some highlights:

    * The Velocity project in Southeast Austin has been rebranded as The Row and is getting new development, including apartments, hotels, retail, and entertainment options.

    * Four Hands, an Austin-based home furnishings designer, is expanding by leasing additional space in East Austin.

    * Goodnight Ranch, a 700-acre mixed-use development near I-35 and Slaughter Lane, will soon feature more retail, medical services, and a new park.

    Home sales in the five-county Austin region and within city limits saw year-over-year increases in November, along with rising median prices. We'll be keeping an eye on 2024's year-end numbers.

    I want to thank Statesman subscribers for making my work possible. If you're not a subscriber yet, consider supporting us today. And if you have tips or story ideas, reach out at 512.913.4503, [email protected], or @snovak999.

Real estate news in Austin, Texas, highlighting top stories of the week.