new Netflix series, "No Good Deed," is a dark comedy that pokes fun at the cutthroat world of Los Angeles real estate. Produced by comedian and actress Liz Feldman, the show follows Paul (Ray Romano) and Lydia (Lisa Kudrow) as they try to sell their 1920s Spanish Colonial home in Hancock Park. However, things take a deadly turn when a murder mystery unfolds during an open house, with a cast of suspicious characters vying for attention.
The series is a far cry from the typical real estate reality shows like "Million Dollar Listing Los Angeles," which focuses on high-end homes and celebrity Realtors. Feldman's show instead delves into the absurdities and quirks of LA's real estate market, with scenes veering wildly from heavy drama to witty banter.
Feldman, a Brooklyn native, is known for creating the hit series "Dead to Me" and has written for several other shows. With "No Good Deed," she brings her signature dark humor and clever writing to the world of real estate, promising a wild ride that will keep viewers guessing until the very end. The show premieres on Netflix on December 12.
New LA Real Estate Thriller Lands on Netflix
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