he story of North Texas' commercial real estate is a long and epic one, with new chapters being written every day. Thanks to the efforts of local industry leaders, this story will finally get the recognition it deserves. The North Texas Commercial Real Estate Hall of Fame has published its fourth edition of "The Book," a comprehensive history of the people behind the major projects that have shaped Dallas-Fort Worth.
This latest edition highlights the region's growth beyond its two main cities, with stories of developers and projects in every direction. First published in 2008, "The Book" celebrates Hall of Fame inductees, Lifetime Achievement Award winners, and Stemmons Service Award recipients. The idea for the book was born out of weekly meetings between NTCAR Hall of Fame Co-Founders Darrell Hurmis, Chris Teesdale, and Robert Grunnah Sr., who met to sketch out a future for the publication.
The book is dedicated to Grunnah, who received a Lifetime Achievement Award before passing away in 2024. It features profiles of Hall of Fame inductees, including Herb Weitzman's story of bringing Kentucky Fried Chicken to Dallas and Fehmi Karahan's pioneering projects like Legacy West. The book also includes a real estate family tree recognizing individuals who struck out on their own after starting at firms like Trammell Crow.
The fourth edition was written by Stacey Megally, with contributions from Glenda Vosburgh and Shannon Guggenheim as managing editor. It is the first edition to be published after the pandemic, and it notes that North Texas has a history of overcoming challenges, including population drops and economic downturns. "The Book" is now available for purchase at ntcarhalloffame.org/the-book.