
Evaluating AI Content Tools in Real Estate Applications

We evaluated three popular AI tools for real estate agents: ChatGPT, Microsoft Copilot, and Google Gemini.

esting Free AI Content Generators for Real Estate

    October 07, 2024

    With numerous AI options available to help craft listing copy, emails, social media posts, and more, real estate agents can choose from a range of free tools. However, some require registration or come with tiered pricing for advanced features.

    We tested three popular free options – ChatGPT, Microsoft Copilot, and Google Gemini – by giving them the same prompt: "Write a short email introducing me to potential clients as a residential real estate agent with over five years' experience in Chicago and its suburbs."

    ChatGPT produced a clean and professional email with an added subject line. However, its generic opening line detracted from the overall quality.

    Microsoft Copilot's email was detailed and robust, listing four reasons why the client should choose the writer as their real estate partner. Despite this, it fell into the same trap as ChatGPT with a tired opener.

    Google Gemini stood out for its direct approach, starting with a relevant question about buying, selling, or renting in the Chicago area. However, its email was too short and would benefit from more information in the prompt and details on what the agent brings to the table.

    Each tool showed promise but required refinement to produce high-quality content suitable for real estate marketing.

Business professionals evaluate artificial intelligence tools in real estate industry settings.